These Career Clusters, 由格林维尔县学校和大格林维尔商会确定, represent a categorization of career possibilities. 亚虎的学术课程在每个集群之后显示.
不确定最符合您兴趣的特定集群或程序? 多花点时间在大学里探索你的选择 Center for Career and Professional Development.
艺术与传播学课程允许你通过设计来表达自己, literature, language, media, theater, and more. 这类职业通常会挑战你的创造力和技术才能.
计算机和信息技术通常是艺术和传播的补充,并且随着现代技术的不断进步而不断变化和发展. The opportunities are many, 对那些受过计算机教育的人的需求持续增长, programming, and information systems.
Career opportunities in this cluster encompass designing, producing, writing and publishing multimedia content including visual arts, journalism, and entertainment services. 这个集群的信息技术职业机会包括设计, development, support and management of hardware, software, multimedia, and systems integration services.
不确定艺术,传播和信息技术集群内的具体计划? 多花点时间在大学里探索你的选择 Career Services while taking the following courses. 这些课程适用于下面列出的大多数副学士学位课程. 在注册课程之前,请务必与您的指导老师核实您的选择.
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ENG 101 | English Composition I | 3 |
SPC 205 or SPC 209 |
Public Speaking or Interpersonal Communication |
3 |
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective | 3 | |
Social Science Elective | 3 | |
SOC 101 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
MAT 103 or MAT 109 or MAT 120 |
Quantitative Reasoning or College Algebra with Modeling or Probability and Statistics |
3 |
CPT 170 | Microcomputer Applications | 3 |
CPT 113 | Information Systems | 3 |
IST 220 | Data Communications | 3 |
CPT 257 | Operating Systems | 3 |
CPT 230 | C# Programming I | 3 |
IST 226 | Internet Programming | 3 |
IST 272 | Relational Database | 3 |
CPT 264 | Systems and Procedures | 3 |
Business, 市场营销和管理课程为学生准备各种职业生涯,提供经营企业所需的支持. 获得成功所必需的技术、人际关系和沟通技巧.
Career opportunities in this cluster encompass planning, organizing, directing, 并评估有效和富有成效的业务运作所必需的业务功能. In addition to general business administration, 这个集群的重点领域还包括战略传播和市场营销, finance, law, and entrepreneurship. 这个集群还包括管理方面的职业机会, marketing, 而酒店业的经营则包括餐馆和其他食品服务, lodging, attractions, recreation, events, and travel-related services.
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ENG 101 | English Composition I | 3 |
SPC 205 | Public Speaking | 3 |
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective | 3 | |
Social Science Elective: Recommend ECO 105, ECO 210, ECO 211, PSY 201 or SOC 101 |
3 | |
ECO 105 | Introduction to Economic Principles | 3 |
ECO 210 | Macroeconomics | 3 |
ECO 211 | Microeconomics | 3 |
CPT 170 | Microcomputer Applications | 3 |
MAT 120 | Probability and Statistics | 3 |
通过实践学习,在农业或宠物护理方面打下坚实的基础. Through education and experience, we can help produce a better world, healthier lives, and improve social concerns related to sustainable agriculture, food systems, healthy communities, and the environment.
Career opportunities in this cluster encompass the production, processing, marketing, distribution, 环境服务及农业商品和资源的筹资和发展.
以下课程是烹饪副学士学位课程的必修或推荐课程. 在注册课程之前,请务必与您的指导老师核实您的选择.
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ENG 101 or ENG 165 |
English Composition I (transferable) or Professional Communications |
3 |
SPC 205 or SPC 209 |
Public Speaking or Interpersonal Communications |
3 |
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective Recommended: HSS 295 or SPA 102 (4) |
3 | |
Social Science Elective: Recommend: PSY 201 or PSY 103 |
3 | |
CPT 170 | Microcomputer Applications | 3 |
BIO 240 | Nutrition | 3 |
健康科学职业将继续有很大的需求,新的医疗技术只会增加对熟练的卫生保健工作者的需求. 亚虎提供各种各样的医疗保健计划,为学生提供课堂和实践实践的强大平衡. GTC与许多本地和远程医疗保健合作伙伴建立了临床协议,为学生提供全面的临床经验. 我们还在巴顿校区的STAT(模拟技术和培训)中心提供逼真的人类患者模拟器和学生运营的诊所提供真实的临床体验.
Career opportunities in this cluster encompass the planning, managing, and providing clinical, therapeutic, diagnostic, and support services in patient care. 机会还包括卫生信息学和生物技术研究与开发.
Therapeutic ServicesUnsure of the specific program within the Health Science Cluster? 多花点时间在大学里探索你的选择 Career Services while taking the following courses. 这些课程适用于下面列出的大多数副学士学位课程. 在注册课程之前,请务必与您的指导老师核实您的选择.
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ENG 101 | English Composition I | 3 |
SPC 205 | Public Speaking | 3 |
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective | 3 | |
PSY 201 | General Psychology | 3 |
SOC 101 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
BIO 210 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 4 |
BIO 211 | Anatomy & Physiology II | 4 |
AHS 102 | Medical Terminology | 3 |
MAT 120 | Probability and Statistics | 3 |
MAT 109 or MAT 110 | College Algebra | 3 |
In the Human Resources and Services career cluster, 你将致力于为他人和社区服务,帮助人们改善生活. You’ll use your passion for people to advance lives, help those in need, and educate future generations.
Career opportunities in this cluster include planning, managing, and providing legal, public safety, protective services, and homeland security.
Career opportunities in this cluster include planning, managing, 并提供教育培训服务和相关的学习支持服务.
Career opportunities 在这个集群中,为个人在与家庭和人类需求有关的职业道路上就业做好准备.
不确定人力资源和服务集群内的具体计划? 在参加以下课程的同时,花一些额外的时间在学院的职业服务中心探索你的选择. 这些课程适用于下面列出的大多数副学士学位课程. 在注册课程之前,请务必与您的指导老师核实您的选择.
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ENG 101 | English Composition I | 3 |
SPC 205 | Public Speaking | 3 |
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 建议:HIS 201, HIS 202, HSS 295, PHI 105, PHI 110, REL 201, SPA 102 (4) |
3 | |
PSY 201 | General Psychology | 3 |
SOC 101 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
MAT 120 | Probability and Statistics (transferable) | 3 |
MAT 155 | Contemporary Mathematics | 3 |
CPT 170 | Microcomputer Applications | 3 |
The programs within the Industrial, 制造和工程系统集群致力于提供机会,帮助发展学生的技能, knowledge and abilities. 这些课程旨在提高解决问题的能力,并提供实践经验. 寻求入门级和/或高级技能的学生将准备直接进入劳动力市场或在四年制大学继续他们的教育. Using state-of-the-art technologies, 每个课程都为学生准备行业和领导机会. With the combination of lecture and hands-on experiences, 敬业的教职员工提供了一个培养批判性思维和创新的环境.
Career opportunities 在制造业中,包括生产计划中的专业和技术支持活动, control, maintenance and manufacturing/process engineering. STEM领域的就业机会包括物理科学、社会科学和工程. Career opportunities in transportation, 配送和物流包括对人员流动的规划和管理, 物料/货物的运输和相关的支持服务,如运输基础设施. 建筑/建筑行业的就业机会包括设计行业, planning managing, building and maintaining the built environment.
不确定工业、制造和工程系统集群内的具体项目? 多花点时间在大学里探索你的选择 Career Services while taking the following courses. 这些课程适用于下面列出的大多数副学士学位课程. 在注册课程之前,请务必与您的指导老师核实您的选择.
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ENG 101 | English Composition I | 3 |
SPC 205 | Public Speaking | 3 |
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 建议:ART 101(特别是如果你对AET或CET感兴趣); FRE 102, GER 102, HIS 101, HIS 102, HIS 104, HIS 105, HIS 106, HIS 115, HIS 201, HIS 202, HSS 105, HSS 295, MUS 105m, PHI 101, PHI 110, REL 101, REL 201, SPA 102, SPA 201, THE 101 |
3-4 | |
Social Science Elective Suggestions: PSY 201, SOC 101, ECO 211 |
3 | |
MAT 110 | College Algebra | 3 |
MAT 111 | College Trigonometry | 3 |
PHY 201 | Physics I | 4 |
ENG 130 or CPT 170 |
Engineering Technology Applications & Programming or Microcomputer Applications (required for MTT and CNC) |
3 |
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ENG 101 | English Composition I | 3 |
ENG 102 | English Composition II | 3 |
SPC 205 | Public Speaking | 3 |
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 建议:ART 101(特别是如果你对AET或CET感兴趣); FRE 102, GER 102, HIS 101, HIS 102, HIS 104, HIS 105, HIS 106, 115, 201, 202, HSS 105, HSS 295, mus 105, 101, 110, REL 101, REL 201, SPA 102, SPA 201, THE 101 |
3-4 | |
Social Science Elective Suggestions: PSY 201, SOC 101, ECO 211 |
3 | |
MAT 110 | College Algebra | 3 |
MAT 111 | College Trigonometry | 3 |
MAT 140 | Analytical Geometry & Calculus I | 4 |
PHY 221 | University Physics I | 4 |
EGR 269 | Engineering Disciplines and Skills | 2 |
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ENG 101 | English Composition I | 3 |
ENG 165 | Professional Communications | 3 |
SPC 205 | Public Speaking | 3 |
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective Suggestion: HSS 105 |
3 | |
PSY 103 | Human Relations | 3 |
MAT 170 | Algebra, Geometry & Trigonometry I | 3 |
CPT 170 | Microcomputer Applications | 3 |
Social Science Elective | 3 |