Tuition can be paid with cash, check, credit card or money order using the options below. MasterCard, VISA, American Express and Discover are accepted. Make checks and money orders payable to Greenville Technical College.
Greenville Technical College offers a Do Not Purge (DNP) single due-date delayed payment option. This payment plan option ensures that your class schedule will not be deleted for non-payment. You can make payments of any amount and any frequency, as long as your tuition is paid in full by the payment plan due date.
Complete the Do Not Purge process at the Bursar's Office or any satellite campus by submitting your payment plan downpayment and DNP form by the published due date.
It is your responsibility to make sure tuition and fees are paid through financial aid. This includes providing requested information and following your status in Self Service for Financial Aid via GTC4me to ensure proper delivery of your aid.
If an agency, organization or company, such as SC Vocational Rehabilitation, WIA or SC Employment Commission, is paying your tuition, this requires documentation. Contact the Bursar's Office (864) 250-8000 for more information. You will need to bring official authorization by the fee payment deadline or you will be dropped from your classes.
You are ultimately responsible for your account balance, if for some reason the outside source refuses payment.
The Future Scholar 529 College Savings Plan is sponsored by the State of South Carolina and administered by State Treasurer Curtis Loftis’ Office. Future Scholar is designed to help families jump-start saving for college while enjoying federal and state tax benefits.